Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The numbers game: Real relationships in social media

"Networking is always important when it's real, and it's always a useless distraction when it is fake." - Seth Godin

Whether they're followers, friends, or your top 6 on MySpace, many have come to associate sheer quantity with social media success. With Ashton Kutcher now beyond three million followers on Twitter, I am willing to bet that a third or more of his flock could care less about what he says. Instead many are motivated more by the chance to get retweeted or have their name appear on his page. Social media narcissism at it's finest, it most cases.

However, when it comes to delivering true value in relationships that were originally seeded online, numbers alone don't make the cut. World thought leader in marketing, Seth Godin, adds succinct insight into this dilemma.

"Hits to your web site are meaningless - keep track of who you will go out of your way for, and who will go out of their way for you." - Seth Godin

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