Web interfaces such as Twitter, Facebook and Google have been stealing news headlines left and right, and there are now enough Social Media phrases to fill a modern dictionary.
If you chose to go on a social media binge, it can be a challenge to keep four personal profiles updated with accurate information. Much less, do most people have time to stay ahead of new trends and tools that become available. How does one stay on top of social media without inducing a coronary or aneurysm?
Five simple methods that require little effort:
1. Stop watching Lost. Obviously, you have to make SOME time to learn. One can only begin to fathom the amount productive free time possible if one stops watching mindless TV.
2. Start an RSS feed. Instead of surfing web sites, simply set up Google Reader (it takes 60 seconds or less, proven) and start following relevant blogs, sites and developers. Each day, check it once for new content and read what appeals to you.
3. Google Alerts. This is how it works: type in a few key phrases (Social Media and Web 3.0, for example) and have Google do the research for you. You will receive emails, at an interval of your choosing, listing links and sites where your key phrases have appeared. Companies also use this method as a way to keep track of who is talking about them in the blogosphere.
4. Del.icio.us and Digg. You're not going to find everything by yourself. Social bookmarking provides an enormous advantage to peer into what others have (dugg) up. The Internet is too big for anyone to navigate solo.
5. Talk to others and pose questions. Word of mouth is still one of the most effective communication tools. Start conversations with people who are interested in similar topics and ask questions. Even if you don't think they would know the answer, brainstorming is the first step toward original ideas!
Three blogs to add to your RSS feed (these are all PR, marketing and social media pros):
Seth Godin
Brian Solis
Todd Defren
There couldn't be a more appropriate video for this post:
Helpful? I hope so. Send me an email at pauljmatson@gmail.com or leave a comment!
5 reactions:
Great recommendations - I would add here, for those of us who have a "twitdiction", www.tweetdeck.com. Great way to categorize your Twitter follows and have columns with search terms for your favorite topics. Organization is the key, lest you be constantly distracted! These tools can be helpful to you professionally, but only if you know how to control them.
LOVED, LOVED, LOVED that video! I want it!
It is so true about how easy it is to get overwhelmed. I'm always looking for ways to focus and track at the same time. Google Reader was a great suggestion, I've been doing that and it has helped to have my favorites right at hand.
I also have to keep in mind that there is just SOOOO MUCH information out there on so many different subjects and interests that I have, that there can no longer be the concept of thorough "research" I just have to focus on finding enough.
Makes me tired just thinking about it!
Yes, the video perfectly exemplifies my life the past two months. I left America for international development work in rural Armenia and returned this year to find that the once a quarter Facebook updates won't cut it in 2008.
Thank you for your suggestions!
Thanks for the video - and the advice. Keep up with the humour!
Great advise, and i sort of do have a part timer to help on this!!
Loved the vidoe, it says it all
Thank you