Wednesday, April 23, 2008

That guy on the sidewalk

I found myself getting engaged in several memorable conversations this weekend and wanted to take a moment to get them on record. Goes to show how much momentum conversations can carry. We are, after all, a complex compilation of the infinite human influences we've had throughout our lives.

Some insights from the people you walk by on the sidewalk...

1. NO ONE likes to hear people toot their own horn. Ever.

2. If you're a rookie at a new job, do you think your boss would rather pull you back or push you forward with new responsibility?

3. Sometimes, all the marketing in the world won't change someone's perception. Not everyone watches TV, reads the paper, has a cell phone, or uses the Internet.

4. The greatest plague of man is selfishness.

5. Want other people to take you seriously? You have to take yourself seriously first.

6. The greatest thing about Internet communication is that it serves as an equal playing field. People who comment on news articles online could be the CEO of UBS or a bum using a computer at the local Internet cafe. How would you know who's who? Honestly?

7. The key to keeping people's heads looking forward is to keep the ceiling busy.

8. How do you tell what's real and what's fake? That is, when it comes to people.

9. What does the contents of your wallet/purse reveal about you?

10. People aren't stupid.

And there you have it. Agree or disagree with something above? Become a subscriber or drop me an email at

1 Comment:

Alexander Dolin said...

I love this post. There are a lot of golden nuggets in this one! Good job. Lots to think about...

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